Melaine Walker Pfaff
Address: | Spokane, WA USA |
Occupation: | retired |
Children (and grandkids?): | daughter, Olivia, age 35 |
Melaine's Latest Interactions
Happy birthday Patty. Would love to have you and Lenny join us at the monthly class lunches.
Happy birthday Sue. Hope you had a good day. Would love to see you at the next class lunch.
Have a happy birthday Julie. I love seeing the pictures of you and your daughter doing things. We missed you at the class picnic this summer.
Posted on: Jun 22, 2023 at 10:21 AM
Happy birthday Daryl. Have a good day.
Happy birthday. Can't wait to see you on the 10th at the reunion.
Happy birthday.
Posted on: Jun 01, 2023 at 8:35 AM
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday Roger. Hope you are planning to come to the Class Reunion Picnic at Franklin Park on June 10. Register on this page.
Kathy, wanted to let you know about our Class Reunion Picnic on Saturday, June 10 from 12 to 4. It will be at Frankin Park under the covered area. If you would like to come you can register on this page or on the Class of 1969 Facebook page. Let anyone else you know about the picnic. Hope you can come. Melaine
Telford, wanted to let you know about the Class Reunion Picnic on Ssturday, June 10 from 12 to 4. It is at Franklin Park under the covered area. You can register on this page or on the Class of 1969 Facebook page. Invite anyone you are in contact with. Hope to see you there. Melaine
Wanted to let you know about the Class Reunion Picnic on Saturday, June 10. It is at Franklin Park under the covered area from 12 to 4. You can register on this page or on the Class of 1969 Facebook page. Invite anyone else you are in contact with. Hope to see you there. Melaine
Happy birthday Dave. Hope you had a good day. Wanted to remind you of the Class Reunion Picinic on Saturday, June 10 from 12 to 4. It is at Franklin Park undered the covered area. You can register on this page or on the Class of 1969 Facebook page. Invite any one you are in contact with. Hope to see you there. Melaine
Happy birthday Tim. Hope you are planning to come to our Class Reunion Picnic on Saturday, June 10 from 12 ti 4. It is at Franklin Park under the covered area. You can register on this page or on the Class of 69 Facebook page. Let all your friends from high school know and spend an afternoon in the park.
Please join us for the class picnic reunion on June 10 atFranklin Park from 12 to 4. You can sign up on this page or on the Facebook page.
Happy birthday Dave. Will you be able to come to the reunion picnic this summer?
Happy birthday Connie. Will you guys be coming to the Vlass Reunion picnic in June.