Missing Classmates

The classmate list below is EVERYONE WHO HAS NOT logged in.

We HAVE located a number of classmates who, for one reason or another, haven't logged in and so they are technically NOT MISSING.

If you know anyone's whereabouts who hasn't logged in, please contact us by hitting the "Contact Us" link to the left of this page and send us a means (preferably an e-mail address or phone number) to reach these missing classmates.

Better yet, YOU contact the individual and ask them to please log on to THIS website ASAP.  (Be sure to give them the EXACT website address--don't just say "It's the Mead High School website," because it is NOT.  This is a private website built and maintained only by the Class of 1969.  As such it is our ONLY clearinghouse for classmate data.  And word-of-mouth  is the ONLY way we're going to be able to find everyone who was in the terrific Mead High School Class of '69!)

The best thing to do is to help that person log in.  Some classmates have gone over to other classmates' houses and, literally, logged in for them.  Others have simply talked the reticent ones through the process over the phone.  Either Marc Martyn or myself is also able to do that.  If they're willing to log on, have them call me, Ronna Jones Snyder, at either 231-4444 if they live in Spokane; or 208-231-4444, if they live outside Spokane.  I can help them fill out a profile.

Tim Arnold
Perry Bryan
Tim Buck
Susan Bunke
Diane Campbell
Carol Carter
Clark Christofferson
Melina Clark
Robert Cooper
Cathy Craig
Steven Entringer
Dan Erickson
Sue Fernau
Ralph Firkins
Doug Foss
Edwin Garrett
Nancy Goodell
Janis Harper
Jim Holcomb
Barry Homes
Steve Jeffries
Susan King
Susan Koehler
Terry Leason
Linda Lewallen
John McCarthy
Melvin McGinnis
Janet Mendenhall
Bob Merkel
Richard Mills
Nancy Puffett
Garon Rand
Jana Rhodes
Paul Ritchie
Margaret Schaeffer
Fran Seldon (Boston)
Dianne Short (Jacobson)
Terry Sullivan
Barbara Wilson
Ester Wright
Charlene Yentzer (Milota)

Guest Members

James (Cameron Class Of '70)
Denise Clausen/Class Of 1970 (Stinnett)
Sandra DeFreese/Class Of 1970 (Eymer)
Alpha Mae Schafer (Spence Teacher)
Bruce Spencer (Class Of '70)
Tawny Turner (Miles)